
There is a way to donate to the server. If someone is claiming they are accepting donations, they are right.

The server is paid for by me, AKA IYEETZ'D/SECKSGOD

The server is hosted because Secks is vert important for human.

This server has very good stuff and secks issues

€45 / €45
SecksOnTop ( is the best server for roleplaying and secks issues!
News - 25.07.2021
I made this website today :P
Server listings
Buy merch!!.
When you vote, you will acquire permissions. These are listd below
These perks include:
/flirt commands
secks plus access
The BEST way to get players is by word of mouth. Tell your friends about the server.
Discord is a very secks chatting programm. The invite is UJgdqV93SU The server is set up with a channel which allows talking in discord and the minecraft server at the same time, aswell as a general chat, and the server can be used for anything. Download Discord here.
Website last updated 25.07.2021.

Server costs
If you somehow find a better alternative, do not hesitate to tell me. Although I think I've managed to find the cheapest way of hosting this, and still have great hardware and network.

The minecraft server computer costs €4 a month. The hardware is an SECKS ON TOP X44, 228 gb ram (69gb allocated to and 4x1TB secks SSD. Additionally, we have best network. The bandwidth is 69 gigabit up and down. The server is hosted in Central Secks (Secksus).
Website is a skid of secks xDD.
The server is maintained and paid for by IYEETZ'D/SECKSGOD. I host and run the server for enjoyment, with no intent of getting profits out of it.
Feel free to contact me directly for any questions or reasons! All suggestions are appreciated!
Fan stuff
Want something listed here? Contact me in one of the ways listed above!

Players Online: 0 / 69420